Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How prepared are we?

A wildfire is raging in my backyard and I've been told to evacuate. What do I take with me? Of course, as long as we all get out safe, nothing else matters. But if I had the time to choose, what would I pack to take with me? Our documents are already bundled up and ready to go - something we did after the 2003 fires. We have no pets to worry about and there are no rooms filled with heirloom furniture.
Photo albums, scrapbooks, and shoeboxes filled with photos would be packed up. So would all the quilts, either that I have made or ones that have been gifted to us.The bin filled with all the girls baby clothes - these are not storebought but all handmade by loving grandmothers, relatives and friends.
My collection of books would also be top of the list to be saved. Artwork done by the girls, all the furniture that has been handmade by Valodya, my linen closet, my hope chest, our china cabinet,.... the list goes on and on.
Most of the people dealing with the wildfires in West Kelowna did not have time to pack out their stuff but on the other hand no one lost their life and for that we are all grateful.
Are you prepared?

1 comment:

Julia said...

Oh my goodness, what hard decisions to make! I'm so glad you're taking the baby clothes your grandmothers made!