Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Apple pie on a carousel with halibuts

This is usually reserved for someone's birthday in June but I was feeling a little neglectful so I surprised him with a deep-dish apple pie at the beginning of the week. He tells me that it is great - very juicy, perfect crust, and the apples are al dente.
Do you ever have those mornings where you just do not want to get up or you do get up early but you would rather putter in the garden or do some quilting or go for a hike, anything but go to work? Every blue moon I will have one of those mornings but then I get to work and find that someone has left a little gift on my desk. Such was the case the other day - one of my dear co-workers has gifted me with this sewing carousel. Some of the items inside are missing but it will be fun to add my own to this great little sewing kit.
Heading north to my hometown. The once Halibut capital of the World.
Have a great Victoria Day long weekend.

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