Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bake on Saturday

I woke up today with lots of good intentions of going down to the Market and then having breakfast by the river but what I really wanted was a quiet morning at home to bake and so I did. Oatmeal cookies are always good so when I saw this recipe for Triple Oat Cookies I knew I had to try them. The three oats are large flake, steel cut and oat bran with some dates for sweetness. Really nice with a cup of tea.

I just finished reading The Pioneer Woman: black heels to tractor wheels by Ree Drummond and thoroughly enjoyed it except the part where they go to Australia and decide to eat at McDonald's and I quote, 'for some safe and predictable American food' end of quote. But it is a cute love story. From the recipes at the back of the book, I decided to try the cinnamon rolls. If you are on a diet, forget these. They are loaded with whole milk, butter and sugar and after they are baked you drizzle the still-warm buns with icing made with yes more sugar, butter, coffee, and maple syrup. Fantastic recipe!

Our basil has gone crazy so the only thing to do is make pesto. I always use the recipe from one of my favourite cookbooks, Cooking with Herbs by Emelie Tolley and Chris Mead. It's a very simple recipe - garlic, basil, pecans, olive oil, and lots of grated Romano cheese.

1 comment:

Italo said...

The spaghetti are perfect and look delicious! And the cakes: my mother does the same, but with a finnish recipe, maybe it's the same.