Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Italian cooking school - Day three

Time to gaze out the window at the antics of the neighbourhood squirrel; only when the Chef wasn't looking.
Day three proved to be an easier day for us; we would be challenged with green polenta. We started by blanching the rapini, squeezing all the water out of the leafy greens, and then chopping them up.
Six, yes six, garlic cloves are browned in olive oil to which is added some hot pepper flakes.
Add two cups of water to the pot.
Add the chopped rapini to the pot and bring to a boil. While stirring add cornmeal to the green mixture, about a cup, and keep stirring until good and thick.
Pour the green polenta into a bowl and let cool.
Can be eaten at room temperature, chilled, or fried with a little olive oil until brown and crispy. This is the real polenta, not the yellow roll from the supermarket.

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